If you are planning on training your own dogs to hunt birds, then you need birds. Let’s face it, dogs that have no real experience and practice hunting live birds cannot be expected to do the job properly. In fact, no exposure to live birds may create total mayhem if you throw them into an unknown bird situation!
Dog training clubs and shooting preserves (where you are allowed to keep your own stock of birds or purchase them) are great places to take your pups to train. If you are a handy man (or hey- even a handy woman) you can build your own housing for birds. Not too handy with some wood and a hammer? You can always shell out money and invest in a professionally built loft or kennel for birds.
W.L. Jaggers Quality Pigeon Lofts & Recall Pens may be the best option for you! This man’s work comes highly recommended. These lofts and pens are available to be shipped to a variety of areas and you get a great return on your investment. W.L.’s bird housing is well worth the price tag.